Keep your garden thriving.
Looking to use mulch but not sure what it is or how to use it? Read on.
What is mulching
Mulch is a layer of organic matter that is used as a top layer over the ground in and around plants to conserve moisture in dry periods, help suppress weeds and break down soil.
How do you choose and use mulch?
Avoid a common mistake. To be effective, you have to choose the right mulch for your situation and lay it correctly for maximum effect.
For example, you might use pea straw in a vegetable bed and ramial wood mulch in a garden with established shrubs and trees.
Have you ever used bark nuggets in a garden bed thinking it’d break down over time? Well bark nuggets take ages and ages and ages to break down and while they are doing it they are robbing the soil of nitrogen meaning your plants aren’t getting what they need to survive and thrive.
When to use mulch
Generally, it’s recommended to lay mulch in Spring after the soil has warmed up and prior to the dry summer period.
Our experience is that it doesn’t really matter too much if you’re mulching around existing plants but you have to lay it to the correct specifications.
Watch the video to find out more.